Christian. Husband. Software Engineer. Chilean living in the UK.
Lessons learned from observation and history · There are many definitions of scaling around there, but I like this very simple one: Scaling a business...
To be dogmatic should not. · I was just browsing LinkedIn this morning (because yeah, that's what I do on holidays apparently) and I got to this post,...
Or why your application needs the Transactional Outbox Pattern · The Nasty U in CRUD Before anything else, let's just do a quick recap on what CRUD is....
The power of immutable collections · 💡 This is an old article that I wrote a few years ago in one of my many blogs and got lost somewhere until someone...
Pet Peeves #1 · I've written about this already in a previous post, but I think it deserves a post of its own. I think it is time we stop appending the...
The Coder's Proverbs #5 · The Coder's Proverbs is a series where I summarize some lessons and principles I've learned over my career by using a memorable...